1-800 DRYCARPET, The Leader
in Authentic Dry
Carpet Cleaning
We manufactures a
genuine dry carpet cleaning
product. Swedry® Carpet Cleaner
is not a confusing
shampoo. Our product
feels soft and
slightly damp to the
touch. Swedry®
Carpet Cleaner is
organic and is
manufactured and
packaged in Los
Angeles, CA, USA.
Genuine DRY
Carpet Cleaning
absorbs and traps soil
leaving carpet clean,
fresh, dry and ready
to use immediately.
Furthermore, t
no soap and water left
to dry in carpet,
so carpets stay fresh
and clean much longer.
® Carpet Cleaning delivers deep cleaning
power by absorbing
soil deep within
carpet, cleaning
carpet fibers from the
bottom up rather than
from the top down.
What's more, there is
no soap, detergent
and/or solvents left
to dry in carpet.
Soap and Water
Carpet cleaning methods, including
some that contain the
word dry in their
name, can leave
detergent to dry in
carpet. After carpet
is cleaned with a wet
carpet cleaning method the water evaporates
from the cleaning
solution and the
detergent dries and
re-crystallizes within
and throughout carpet
During the drying
time, (2 hours to 6
days), the water (H20)
evaporates from the
"cleaning solution"
and the detergent
Detergent residue can
attract new soil,
trigger rapid
re-soiling and cause
carpets to "ugly-out"
and become matted
down. Simply put, detergent
residue (soap)
attracts new soil. |