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Allergies Do's and Don'ts
DRY ORGANIC™ Product ]
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If you have allergies or asthma
Naturally, you should discuss your allergies
or asthma with your health care provider. Studies show that
allergy patients with mild to moderate asthma can take
certain over-the-counter and prescription drugs without
worsening their asthma symptoms.
Keep windows closed at
night to keep pollen and mold spores outside; use
air-conditioning to clean, cool and dry air.
Limit outdoor activity in
early morning when pollen is usually in the air (between
5:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.).
Keep window closed when
you travel in a car; use air-conditioning to clean, cool
and dry air.
Stay indoors when the
pollen count or humidity is high and on
windy days when dust and pollen blow in the air.
Wash house
pets weekly to cut down on the amount of allergens in
the environment. If you towel dry your pet
should be dry in 15 minuets.
Have the house vacuumed
frequently to remove animal dander and house dust. Have
someone else vacuum using a high quality 3 stage HEPA
filter type vacuum. Have someone dust with a damp cloth
so that dust is not swirled into the air. (Allergy
sufferers should leave the room when this is done).
Use allergen-proof covers
on mattresses and pillows.
Avoid foods and medicines
that cause itching and hives.
Follow your doctor's
Mow the lawn or be around
freshly cut grass when the pollen count, humidity
and/or wind factors are high.
Rake leaves; raking stirs
up mold.
Hang sheets or clothing
outdoors to dry; pollens and molds can
collect on air-dried items.
Grow too many indoor
plants; wet dirt causes mold to grow.
This (Dry) information was re-printed
with permission by The American Academy of
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
you can go for advise:
Your doctor is the
best source of information and advice. Work with your doctor
to pinpoint allergens and start a treatment program that
makes sense for you.
If you are pregnant or nursing:
If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, talk to your health
care provider before taking any medication.
The materials and other information provided by
this web site are for educational, communication and
information purposes only and are not intended to replace or
constitute medical advice or treatments.
We do not
assume and hereby
disclaims any and all liability to any person or entity for
any claims, damages, liability or other loss including,
without limitation, any liability for injury or other damage
resulting from any use of or reliance on this service or
from the posting of any content or material by any third
party. No use of, or reliance on, any materials included in
this site shall be deemed to give rise to a
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site shall be deemed to present the only or necessarily the
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on this service; rather, any such material shall be
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discussant. The users assumes all risks of using the
materials included in this site.
sure to consult your doctor today about any and all issues
relating to your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
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